Our first virtual Growers Gathering! with 15 community members connecting virtually, to be led by HR and subject expert Dr. Anne Cockayne through a collaborative exploration of the question…

🤔 How can we better attract, retain and support neurodivergent talent within our teams?

👇🏼 Shared below are some key takeouts, reflection prompts, recommended resources and links to team tools and other timely talking points we worked through together.

🧠 And if you missed the session, but would like to explore the topic, and connect with Anne, you’ll find neurodiversity awareness sessions in our main programme (free to Growers!)

🖥️ Some simple slides covering Anne’s short intro and other key session content can be found here (perfect for talking a colleague through).

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“To meet the unforeseeable challenges racing towards us in the twenty-first century, we will need many kinds of minds working together.” Steve Silberman, NeuroTribes

🚀 It’s a brilliant book

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Our central scenario

👉 To explore the central question we focussed on a workplace scenario written by Anne, drawn from her research and consultancy.

👇🏻 You can read that below…